Karen's Devotions

This is a selected collection of my devotions e-published on Daily Devotions, Journey Christian Church, Irvine, California; George Bragg, Editor. To join the mailing list, email George, gbragg@cox.net.

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As a 25+ year homeschooling vet, post-cancer, math prof, mother of five, master's track and field athlete, and certificated private pilot, I have a lot to share about what God has done in my life. In 2000 I began writing devotions as something to try when it seemed like accoustic pianists were becoming an endangered species at church. I have since found great blessings from writing and sharing. God is good.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Image of God, Part 3

First Published Sept. 30, 2009

Luke 6:39
And he also spoke a parable to them: A blind man cannot guide a blind man, can he?
Will they not both fall into a pit?
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When I married Jeff, he had a degree in mathematics with nearly a major in physics and a heavy interest in optics. When our first child was born he decided to take up photography. He took classes and bought a very nice Canon A-1 camera. Soon he purchased special lens and filters. Some filters removed glare (polarizing filters), some removed haze (UV and skylight filters), and others correct color (blue filters), while some increased definition (contrast enhancement green or red filters). When a different filter is used, the image is better in a certain way.

One of the hardest things to do in life is to discern right from wrong. We make choices every day from the minor options of whether or not to have an extra slice of pie to major judgments like cheating on tax forms. And of course, our wrong choices can reap short term and long term effects. Granted, much of the yucky stuff that happens in life is beyond our control, but when given a choice, we then must choose.

In making choices or passing judgment, we may use several strategies, or filters. These can allow us to rightly discern. As camera filters change images, Biblical filters help us see the situation clearly.

For example, if you are impatient in making choices, you may need to don a filter of rest and calm. If you tend to rattle off at the mouth while passing judgment, you may need to put on a filter of silence. I hurry and rush to get things done and make a good choice look bad. To squelch my carelessness, I need to rely on a filter of patience and quality. After willful practice, these filters will become part of who you are. What is the result? Through you the world will see God more clearly.
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Lord God, when I struggle with discerning I lose my sight. Like the blind man in your Word, I am headed for a long drop in a deep hole. Help me please to put on the needed filters that are characteristic of you, so I may chose that which is right. Thank you Lord God. Amen.

Copyright 2009, Karen Vaughn


Blogger Unknown said...

Dear Karen:

I read your devotions via George Bragg, but now that I've looked at your blog, I've bookmarked it so I can visit more often.

I loved what your said about applying Biblical filters to our lives so, "After willful practice, these filters will become part of who you are." Oh, that others might see God more clearly through me!"


Jean Hord

6:12 PM  

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