Jesus Christ Is Lord
First Published March 12, 2012
I Corinthians 1:9
God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord.
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Some people have dogs for pets. Many of these dogs provide companionship. They may be waiting for us when we get home, or maybe they accompany us going places. There is mostly one-way communication. The dog cannot have a conversation with us. It mainly obeys our command.
Some people have working dogs. Several jobs for these dogs include aiding the handicapped, searching for people in disasters, and guarding property. These dogs have amazing abilities beyond that of humans.
Some people have show dogs. These dogs are groomed to impress the judges at competitions. Perfection is the standard of measurement. They look and behave in a prescribed manner. All other characteristics are bred out or the dog is retrained.
As wonderful as having a pet is, strangely enough, some of us treat our Jesus like a pet. Some of us keep Christ around for companionship; for warm fuzzy feelings of love. Perhaps we were baptized without the sense of awareness of being redeemed. Maybe we prayed the Believer’s Prayer, thinking that we were now “set” to go on with life. No more troubles. No more worries.
Some of us keep Christ around to work for us and do our bidding. We expect him to immediately respond to our commands. That’s right. We think praying to God’s Son is like a fast food drive up microphone. “I’ll have two Healing Combos, and super-size them.” Our prayers are a list of demands with expected compliance on our terms.
Some of us keep Christ around for show. Hey everyone, look at my Christian life. I’ve got icons everywhere. With Christ I’ve got the blue ribbon, so take notice!
Not! Today’s verse is among passages Paul wrote in his opening remarks to the Corinthians concerning factions of fellowships rallying around a particular doctrine.
I’d like to use our passage as an individual wake up cry. Each of us can abandon treating Jesus as a pet. We can get back to the basic premise and declare Jesus Christ is Lord! Yes, Jesus Christ is Lord! Now, let’s put that into action!
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I confess Father God, I sometimes treat your holy Son like a pet. Be merciful and forgive me oh Lord. Jesus Christ is Lord. Please etch that on my heart and help me live it each day. Jesus Christ is Lord. Jesus Christ is Lord. Amen.
Copyright 2012 Karen Vaughn
I Corinthians 1:9
God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord.
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Some people have dogs for pets. Many of these dogs provide companionship. They may be waiting for us when we get home, or maybe they accompany us going places. There is mostly one-way communication. The dog cannot have a conversation with us. It mainly obeys our command.
Some people have working dogs. Several jobs for these dogs include aiding the handicapped, searching for people in disasters, and guarding property. These dogs have amazing abilities beyond that of humans.
Some people have show dogs. These dogs are groomed to impress the judges at competitions. Perfection is the standard of measurement. They look and behave in a prescribed manner. All other characteristics are bred out or the dog is retrained.
As wonderful as having a pet is, strangely enough, some of us treat our Jesus like a pet. Some of us keep Christ around for companionship; for warm fuzzy feelings of love. Perhaps we were baptized without the sense of awareness of being redeemed. Maybe we prayed the Believer’s Prayer, thinking that we were now “set” to go on with life. No more troubles. No more worries.
Some of us keep Christ around to work for us and do our bidding. We expect him to immediately respond to our commands. That’s right. We think praying to God’s Son is like a fast food drive up microphone. “I’ll have two Healing Combos, and super-size them.” Our prayers are a list of demands with expected compliance on our terms.
Some of us keep Christ around for show. Hey everyone, look at my Christian life. I’ve got icons everywhere. With Christ I’ve got the blue ribbon, so take notice!
Not! Today’s verse is among passages Paul wrote in his opening remarks to the Corinthians concerning factions of fellowships rallying around a particular doctrine.
I’d like to use our passage as an individual wake up cry. Each of us can abandon treating Jesus as a pet. We can get back to the basic premise and declare Jesus Christ is Lord! Yes, Jesus Christ is Lord! Now, let’s put that into action!
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I confess Father God, I sometimes treat your holy Son like a pet. Be merciful and forgive me oh Lord. Jesus Christ is Lord. Please etch that on my heart and help me live it each day. Jesus Christ is Lord. Jesus Christ is Lord. Amen.
Copyright 2012 Karen Vaughn