Rough Diamonds
First Published June 28, 2013
Acts 7:46
David found
favor in God’s sight…
Luke 19:10
For the Son
of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.
Quiz time! Who is your favorite Bible character besides
Jesus? Now, was that person
perfect? Or, was that person and his or
her imperfections used for the glory of God?
Jeff and I have a friend
whom we have known for years. During one
of his sermons he said that his favorite Bible character was King David. Why?
It certainly wasn’t because he made his brothers jealous when he
defeated Goliath. It certainly wasn’t
because King Saul made him his favorite song and harp man. It certainly wasn’t because he had Uriah
killed to cover his adultery and marry Bathsheba. It was David’s true repentance and his desire
to serve God, which earned him God’s favor.
The sometimes over used
phrase, “God’s not finished with me yet,” is very true with all under
Christ’s Lordship. Yet sometimes we
don’t want God to use us or anyone else who isn’t already a “perfect diamond.” We want perfect sermons, perfect musicians,
perfect Bible teachers, perfect technicians, and even perfect Sunday bulletins.
We need to understand our
faith as an ongoing process of becoming like Him. We are rough diamonds being
chiseled into bright jewels that reflect aspects of Christ. Today, let’s
rejoice in our merciful God who, through His Son, makes this all possible.
My favorite Bible
character is Moses. Like him, I
stuttered and barely said anything as a child. But through our glorious Lord, I
have gained confidence in the words I speak.
Thank you Lord for your
word, giving us insight to how you can use us despite our faults. Help us to appreciate other “rough diamonds”
as they too grow in spiritual maturity. Amen.
Copyright 2013, Karen Vaughn