The Handbag
“And the disciples came and said to him, “Why do You speak to them in parables?” He answered and said to them, “Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given.” Matthew 13:10-11
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Ever since I could remember, my Granny would say, “I mustn’t forget my handbag.” When I visited and we would work outside at the clothesline or garden, a neighbor-lady would ask teasingly, “Katy-Bell, where’s your handbag?” Granny would reply without looking up, “Oh nearby, Evelynn!” When I was older, I asked why the handbag was so important. “It was a dear present from your Grandpa. But child, what’s in the handbag is more important.”
As I became a woman, a wife, and a mother, I began to pay attention to the contents of my own handbag and to appreciate the wise words of my Granny. Upon hearing of Granny’s death, I rushed to pay my last respects. When I asked other relations about Granny’s parting words, I was pleased to know that she was buried with her handbag.
Like the parables that Jesus told, my story is metaphoric with a lesson. On the surface, it seems a bit odd for a grandmother to be obsessed with her handbag. But, then again, grandmothers were assumed to be odd by definition. So, the literal meaning has some validity. Now, is this my real Granny, or a symbolic grandmother for everyone? Hm. Ask my kids! The story is also dated. Today some people would relate better to words like purse, wallet, diaper bag, tote bag, or even “Franklin Planner®.” But, Granny said that though the physical handbag was special, the focus was elsewhere. The real point seems to be hidden in the handbag.
Literal. Figurative. Metaphoric. Historic. Timeframe. Culture. Author. Audience. These are all words that need to be considered when studying the Bible. Understanding is also difficult when interpretations collide. You can image “The Church of the All Important Handbag” splitting from “The Fellowship of the All Important Contents”. On a personal level, though, we may be assured that there are basis truths iterated repeatedly in the scriptures. Included is the charge that we continue to hear, learn, and do (James 1:22), and hold on to what is good and just. And just like Granny, we won’t forget our handbag!
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Thank you Lord, for giving us parables so we may learn your truths. Through your mercy, please reveal to us what your word means, and help us to rightly share them with others. In your Son’s name, amen.
Copyright 2009, Karen Vaughn